Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 6 Train Ride to Dunleary

Finally....we got to sleep in. We woke up at 9:00 this morning and it felt great. We got 9 hours of much needed and well deserved shut eye.
After breakfast with Nora, Jen and Anna we decided to travel into Dublin on the Luas (tram) and then connect onto the DART (train) and travel down the coast about 30 minutes to the town and port of Dun Laoghaire or as Grandad called it Dunleary.
This is the same place that Macaela and I visited as per Grandad's suggestion two years ago. It is a place that they as a family travelled many years ago when they lived in Scotland, a weekend getaway.
We arrived and went straight for a bite to eat because it was already 2:00. I really don't know where time goes in Ireland, it seems to just slip away faster and faster everyday. After lunch we started walking down to the boardwalk that surrounds the port from the west and east with an opening in the middle to let the boats in, it is like a horseshoe. We decided to walk the east just like Macaela and I did and we got a really nice day to do it. It was cold and windy and it had sprinkled a little when we went in to get lunch but it had stopped when we came out.
I must say we seem to have had the "Luck of the Irish" with the weather when we visit has been really nice with the exception of a bit of rain on day 2 and the shower we had yesterday on the tour.
Once again I have posted some pictures from our day including a picture from dinner. We hope you like them.


  1. WOW!!!!! Ireland looks like a ton of fun! Are you guys enjoing it? I love the pictures of you girls at the table. You guys look like you were having fun!

  2. It looks like you guys are having a great time! I'm so glad that you got such nice weather, especially for the Cliff's of Moher, apparently that's a rarity! You must have the luck of the Irish! We can't wait to hear more about your trip when you get home!
    Love Rosalie & Jessie
